We have put together some frequently asked questions to assist with more information on the illume Better than a Skylight.
If you have a question that you cant find the answer to please use the Contact Us page.
Q. Is the illume Australian Made?
A. Yes, the illume better than a skylight proudly carries the official green and gold Kangaroo logo, certified by the Australian Made campaign. We manufacture at our head office in Dandenong South, Vic.
Q. How many illume skylight alternative can I run off one solar panel?
A. We can run up to 9 illume PRO from a single solar panel, we call this a multi system, however it is subject to the illume panel size. An illume multisystem is great to simplify the installation, as well as minimize the footprint on the roof of your home. A multisystem also gives more consistent performance across the units installed in your home.
Q. Can I add to my existing illume system?
A. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add an additional illume to any existing system, as the solar collectors are sized to the illume/s sold with the system.
Q. How flat does illume sit in the ceiling?
A. The body of the illume panels are 10mm front to back the same thickness as your plaster. This means they can be installed almost anywhere on the ceiling without the need to consider any beams or battens behind the unit. Flush Mount option only.
Q. Do I have to cut a hole in my ceiling?
A. If you would like a flush look yes you will have to cut a hole. However, we have an option in most premium sizes called a “Surface Mount”. This has the illume panel mount to the ceiling, rather than recess into it.
Be aware it is not possible to change to or from a surface mount illume once supplied.
Q. Can I place insulation over the installed illume?
A. YES! It is safe to reinstate the insulation over the back of the illume to ensure the property remains protected from the weather elements. The illume better than a skylight panel has an IC4 – Rating.
Q. Can I use my illume at night?
YES! Your illume will fade out as the sun goes down, however you have the option to use your illume better than a skylight at night. The AC Driver accessory will connect your illume to mains power. – Please refer to the AC Driver page under accessories to view full detail click here.
Q. I feel like my illume is too bright, can we do something about this?
A. YES! We have an accessory called the illume Remote Dimmer Switch Kit. The dimmer allows you to turn on or off and soften the light. Click here if you would like more information on our Dimmer Kit
Q. Can I get a battery option with my illume to use it at night?
A. No, we don’t have a battery option, as it may get too hot in the roof cavity for a battery.
Q. Can I turn my illume on and off when I like?
A. Yes, if you use a remote-control dimmer kit. For more information click here.
Q. What is the life expectancy of an illume?
A. An illume skylight alternative will provide you with many years of brightness, we expect the illume panel to last for approximately 15 years and the solar collector may last slightly longer to about 20 years.
Q. Can I get my illume in different colours? Warm light?
A. Unfortunately not, illume better than a skylight uses ambient light technology which has a cool white tone.
Q. Do I have to put my solar collector on a north facing roof?
A. Ideally to maximise the solar collector north facing is the preference, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, hence facing north, the solar collector capitalises on both directions.
Q. If a bird flies over my solar collector will I see it inside?
A. You will not see an outline of a Bird, however you will notice a dip in light output from your illume as a section of the solar collector is shaded.
Q. What happens if it is cloudy?
A. Like a traditional skylight, your illume will not be as bright on those full cloudy days, however it will still provide you with enough brightness if sized correctly.
Q. What happens if my illume stops working?
A. We recommend you call your dealer that installed your illume and they will trouble shoot the problem. In the event you purchased your illume elsewhere, you can contact us directly and one of our friendly team can help you out.
Q. What happens if my solar collector is damaged by hail?
A. Our illume solar collectors have withstood many recent large hailstorms, however if you do find your illume solar collector damaged do not fear we are an Australian Made and Australian family owned company who have spare parts. We recommend you call your dealer that installed your illume. In the event you purchased your illume elsewhere, you can contact us directly and one of our friendly team can help you out.
Q. What is the difference between the Retail and illume PRO?
A. The illume PRO has a higher output of lumens, which gives you a greater square meterage cover. It also gives you the option of a surface mount or Flush Mount and the ability to extend the cables. The illume Pro also offers the accessory of the AC Driver which connects your illume to mains power to use at night, this is not available with the illume retail.
Q. How thick is the cable?
A. The cable is approximately 10mm thick, it is bendable so you will have no trouble feeding this through your roof cavity to your solar collector.
Q. How long is the cable?
A. A premium illume you have 10 meters worth of cable, with the option to extend the cable if you require. In a retail illume you have 9 meters.*As your illume works best with the solar collector on a north facing side, we suggest that you check the length of cable that you need before choosing your illume better than a skylight.

Contact Us
Melbourne: 03 9039 5078
Sydney: 02 9055 1778
Brisbane: 07 3667 9578
Perth: 08 6244 3278
Adelaide: 08 7082 3778
Email: sales@kimprod.com.au